My Partner Complemented Me, Saying I Look Younger Than My Age

skin care after 40

This past weekend, my partner and I were just watching a movie at home. We were eating only, and after we were done with dinner, we joined the couch. As we relaxed, they looked at me smilingly and said, “You look so young for your age.” This shocked me not because I do not take compliments but because what they said felt so genuine that I could not hold myself and laughed out loud.

 The Initial Surprise

 For the first moment I could not comprehend that. I initially assumed they did something out of friendliness or just wanted fun. Although it was rather sad for me to be with them, I noticed they were telling the truth out of the blue. This compliment gave me a shameless feeling of satisfaction. It was one of those situations when people look at you, and you can see yourself in their eyes, and feel unique.

 Reflecting on My Routine

 Once hearing this compliment wore off my mind, I began to wonder what may have led to it. Most of the time, I do not follow a special beauty regime, but I do common things in a routine manner. I also practice my best behaviors, which include drinking a lot of water, sleeping well and exercising as well. Such minute changes over the working period have contributed to this change.

 Embracing Simplicity

 I always stick to using very few products on my face. In my daily life, I do not use chemicals as much as I can, and where it is unavoidable, I use products that have as few chemicals as possible. I can say it has well served my skin, and it surely feels good to do it.

Home Remedies

 I sometimes use for glow on face home remedies to get glowing skin. It is good to know that my grandmother prescribes honey, turmeric and yogurt as food components to be added to food. These remedies have been traditionally used, and they still work for me; besides, I feel more comfortable with them. It is a mild formula that does not cause any harm but effectively meets the skin’s needs.

 A Boost in Confidence

 When I received such a compliment, I felt more than just happy; I also felt a surge of confidence. It is sure strange how some words of encouragement that you hear from people can positively alter your attitude about yourself. I began grooming myself well, and it motivated me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

for glow on face home remedies

 A Grateful Heart

 While thinking about all the events that have led up to this– especially thanks to my partner for the kind words, I thought about how much we need to tell people how much we care for them. When genuine, compliments can change people much, for the word is a powerful weapon of influence, a weapon of communication. They recall to our memory our values and make us feel esteemed.

Moving Forward

 This has taught me one thing: to have good health, one has to be constant and simple. It has also helped me remember the impact created by a simple encouragement or a compliment. I look forward to maintaining personal care and extending care to the surrounding community, just as the partner did with that compliment.


The love me and my husband have for each other goes further than just physical parts, and while it is good to hear– it is always better to love someone for who they are than just for how they present, which is why me and my husband have lasted this long.